Resume template for seniors
You already have years of experience and would like to ensure your resume is clear for recruiters. How to sort them out ? What should be highlighted ?
Resume template structure
The key to this resume template is to present your career path being as clear as possible, matching recruiters expectations. With this template, you can also explain your professional experience thanks to the presentation text and add a color which fits what you are looking for.
We have built this resume template according to the following principles

How to complete this template
The right column (which takes up 2/3 of the space on this resume template) will be dedicated to the most important part of your resume : Your professional experiences. When you have a long career, you feel like including everything on your resume, but it's a mistake ! If you do that, you will be drowning the recruiter in too much information, and some might even be irrelevant. To avoid falling into this trap, you will have to select experiences and jobs you would like to highlight (see our video tutorial). This can be tricky as you might have to delete some of your most important experiences, but if they have nothing of interest to the recruiter, : Remove them !
An other important technique to master : Combining experiences. When you have a couple of similar experiences, you generally tend to list them one after the other. This will take up a huge amount of space on your resume and overwhelm the recruiter with details (who will have the impression to have 4 things to read for instance), and you will probably repeat yourself. Therefore, we recommend you to combine these experiences. In other words, to group together in one single experience.
For example, these are several experiences "combined" into one (Note: People often speak about having several companies and different jobs, but these are always gathered together visually).

In this central column, you can also add you training courses (such as your first degree in formal education, but don't forget to mention any recent continuing education).
Other key items to put on your resume :
- Your resume title — indicate the title matching precisely the job you are applying for. Then you can add your "Key Assets" (example: : HR administrative manager — 18 years of experience)
- Passport photo — We recommend you to add a passport photo. Please note: This photo needs to be professional (taken by a photograph or a talented friend), in a good lighting, a neutral background, face centered, and with a smile please ! There is no obligation to add a passport photo to your resume, but a good passport photo will help make a great first impression in the recruiting process. It might not make a difference, but you will stand out from the other candidates !
- Your keywords — Keywords are small pieces of information which are very noticeable on your resume and can be used to highlight your key assets. Ask yourself : Which are these 3 or 4 pieces of important information. Make the most of this keyword area so that the recruiter draws attention to them !
- Your contact details — Email and phone number are essential. Sometimes, it might even be important to add your city of residence.
- Do I need to add my age ?— You don't need to. However, the recruiter might do the math, so instead of giving him or her extra work, just accept your age and turn it into an asset to distinguish yourself (you have experience, etc.).
- Your presentation text — This resume template is designed to make your presentation text visible, on the left side. We recommend you to use this area to help the recruiter understand your motivations (what we sometimes call your "WHY", the real reason behind the job). This way, he or she will have a clear understanding of who you are and see your "deep' engagement (which is difficult to point out with just a resume, which delivers factual information).
- Skills — For skills, we will try to demonstrate your skills in the experience core rather than listing them. However, if you feel the recruiter may have doubts about your mastered skills (such as IT skills), take back control by clearly indicating all elements you do master (If possible, by providing any kind of proof of such expertise, such as a training certificate or a result from an evaluation method for this skill).
Graphic variations
With DoYouBuzz, change the graphic variation of your resume template in just one click.
Here are some of the possible variations :
How to use this resume template ?
To use this resume template, simply create your DoYouBuzz account and choose this template !
Use this templateOur other guides to choose the right resume template
- Professional resume template Designed for professionals with 5 to 15 years of experience
- Resume template for career changes Designed for those who seek to make a career change
- Resume template for students with no experience Designed for students with no experience looking for their first job
- Resume template for beginners Designed for students or young graduates with little experience